Hambleton & MacFarlane Orthodontics New Patient Information
Welcome to Hambleton & MacFarlane Orthodontics! We're grateful you chose us to care for your smile, and we look forward to serving you. We recommend filling out this confidential registration and health history information online. Enter your answers, click the "Submit" button at the bottom, and your information will be sent to our office with secure encryption. If you prefer a physical form that you can fill out and bring with you, simply text or call us. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Responisble Party Information (if different than Patient)
Guardian's Information if Patient is a Minor
Dental Insurance Information
Have you ever lost or chipped any permanent teeth?*
Have you had any injuries to your face, mouth, jaw or chin?*
Have you ever been informed of any missing or extra permanent teeth?*
Do you ever have jaw pain, tenderness or discomfort?*
Are you aware of your jaw clicking or popping?*
Do you get tension headaches?*
Have you had adenoids or tonsils removed?*
Please check any of the following that you have had or currently experience.*